June 9, 2022
5 min
Food industry R&D strives to improve every step of the product transformation. It all starts with variety and agronomy research to boost up raw material cultivation. Profitability and quality are at heart of their concerns all along the crop transformation process.
The R&D department takes into account bunches of heterogeneous information from all the activities: genetics, agronomy, analytical, industrial processing, tasting panels, consumer experience...
Putting together all those activities is a challenge!
Food industry R&D departments take it up with much collaboration and a central IT system to make the most of data and put workflows in common:
Food industry R&D software enables to integrate plant breeding with the other R&D activities.
Researchers sharing the same system get empowered to innovate, face new insights and settle strategies and processes to give efficient responses for better seed performance and quality of the crop transformation process.
Based on a Research Resource Planning² and collaborative database systems, R&D software supports innovative long-term processes such as crop pedigree breeding, agronomic research and laboratory analysis.
When the teams share research work efficiently, integrated data management and analysis thanks to an Information System enabling:
Benefits of R&D software for Food industry genetics:
The standard software RnDExp™ is part of RnDExperience™ suite to manage research activities on a central system.
It enables to share data in real time, worldwide, under subtle right settings letting users and teams read, write or edit information.
Research departments of the agro-food industry have much to gain in automating their processes to facilitate staff integration and skill transfer:
RnDExperience™ standard software and Doriane expert services ensure sustainability of the R&D information system:
A totally new version of the software is issued every 10 years on average, and twice a year in average an upgrade improves the existing features and releases new tools.
That "software life cycle" strategy, along with Research software quality standards guarantees the necessary technology evolutions in strategic domains for research :
Our consulting services bring the necessary tools and support for customers to migrate in good conditions to sustainable, up-to-date and efficient platforms.
Software editor and consulting partner for Seed and Food industry research departments for more than 30 years, Doriane has developed the plant breeding software RnDExperience™ based on the concept of RRP, Research Resource Planning. In partnership with customers from all over the world, Doriane’s innovations combine:
This article is based on a scientific publication at Seed To Pasta Conference 2018 from Mezino, Duminil and Royer, Doriane SAS.
¹ Research departments of seed companies rely on RnDExperience® to achieve their breeding objectives, such as Gautier Semences and RAGT (ranked number 1 in Europe on the winter wheat market).
² Royer F.: Enterprise Integrated Data Management, ERP and RRP, in the Seed Business, SeedQuest (2009) : « For research departments, these ecosystems of software are replaced by RRP, or Research Resource Planning, solutions using a shared relational database and able to manage complex business processes. The RnDExp® software suite by Doriane is an example of RRP. »
Bread, Chocolate, Coffee, Wine, Beer... Quite a few foods are made of a raw crop that gets processed through several steps into a final product.
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April 24, 2025
Unlock the power of multi-factorial trials! Learn from our agronomist and IT expert to design, test, and analyze interaction effects for smarter crop research.
Patricija Levickaite
IT expert & Agronomy engineer
June 9, 2022
5 min
Food industry R&D strives to improve every step of the product transformation. It all starts with variety and agronomy research to boost up raw material cultivation. Profitability and quality are at heart of their concerns all along the crop transformation process.
The R&D department takes into account bunches of heterogeneous information from all the activities: genetics, agronomy, analytical, industrial processing, tasting panels, consumer experience...
Putting together all those activities is a challenge!
Food industry R&D departments take it up with much collaboration and a central IT system to make the most of data and put workflows in common:
Food industry R&D software enables to integrate plant breeding with the other R&D activities.
Researchers sharing the same system get empowered to innovate, face new insights and settle strategies and processes to give efficient responses for better seed performance and quality of the crop transformation process.
Based on a Research Resource Planning² and collaborative database systems, R&D software supports innovative long-term processes such as crop pedigree breeding, agronomic research and laboratory analysis.
When the teams share research work efficiently, integrated data management and analysis thanks to an Information System enabling:
Benefits of R&D software for Food industry genetics:
The standard software RnDExp™ is part of RnDExperience™ suite to manage research activities on a central system.
It enables to share data in real time, worldwide, under subtle right settings letting users and teams read, write or edit information.
Research departments of the agro-food industry have much to gain in automating their processes to facilitate staff integration and skill transfer:
RnDExperience™ standard software and Doriane expert services ensure sustainability of the R&D information system:
A totally new version of the software is issued every 10 years on average, and twice a year in average an upgrade improves the existing features and releases new tools.
That "software life cycle" strategy, along with Research software quality standards guarantees the necessary technology evolutions in strategic domains for research :
Our consulting services bring the necessary tools and support for customers to migrate in good conditions to sustainable, up-to-date and efficient platforms.
Software editor and consulting partner for Seed and Food industry research departments for more than 30 years, Doriane has developed the plant breeding software RnDExperience™ based on the concept of RRP, Research Resource Planning. In partnership with customers from all over the world, Doriane’s innovations combine:
This article is based on a scientific publication at Seed To Pasta Conference 2018 from Mezino, Duminil and Royer, Doriane SAS.
¹ Research departments of seed companies rely on RnDExperience® to achieve their breeding objectives, such as Gautier Semences and RAGT (ranked number 1 in Europe on the winter wheat market).
² Royer F.: Enterprise Integrated Data Management, ERP and RRP, in the Seed Business, SeedQuest (2009) : « For research departments, these ecosystems of software are replaced by RRP, or Research Resource Planning, solutions using a shared relational database and able to manage complex business processes. The RnDExp® software suite by Doriane is an example of RRP. »
Bread, Chocolate, Coffee, Wine, Beer... Quite a few foods are made of a raw crop that gets processed through several steps into a final product.