Product development

Increase the success rate of your variety launches


Covers all species: Vegetables, FIeld crops, Forages, Perrenials and Flowers.

Product development


Bloomeo Product Develoment

Drive portfolio choices

Make informed decisions for the introduction of new varieties or new products.

Trust your data

Collect and analyze data coming from different locations, partners & growers

Market your varieties

Prepare detailed Variety Identity Cards/product sheets integrating R&D, laboratory and dev trial information.

Manage variety advancement

Measure the performances of every variety year after year and evaluate when it’s time to replace one.

How Bloomeo supports Product Development teams


Manage your trial network

Define locations/environments that meet the specific criteria of your target market segment. Design your trials with the appropriate number of replications, randomization methods, and choose controls for comparison. Throughout the season, use dashboards to monitor progress in your trials and optimize human and material resources.

Gather unified data

Collect observations from the field with the Bloomeo mobile application (IOS and Android).
Capture and edit pictures on the go.
Collect data from large strip trials as well as micro-plots trials.
‍Enhance your dataset with additional layers of environmental data sourced from sensors, drones, weather stations and public databases of weather and soil data.
Give  handy solutions to your partners to centralize data and share results with  your organization: web portal access and file import interfaces.

Analyze your data

Assess the performances of varieties across different conditions and locations.
Use flexible dashboards and dynamic graphics to explore multi-location and multi-year data, facilitating sharing of structured results with breeding, marketing, finance, and production departments.
Ensure reliable data is available at the end of the season to make timely and informed decisions.
Employ head-to-head comparisons or structured statistics matching with your objectives, supporting decisions regarding variety advancement.

Fit your varieties with product design

Define your Product Design (or targeted variety profile) specifying all desired traits in relative or absolute terms.
Compare the trial results with your product design goals and leading products on the market.
Get reliable dashboards to share with stakeholders for informed decisions regarding variety advancements.

Manage your Product Life Cycle

Retrieve all the historical information about your variety portfolio. Value qualitative textual comments. Download trial synthesis in a comprehensive format incorporating text, pictures, graphics, and infographics. Manage variety advancement stages and track the status of your variety developement pipeline.




United around Bloomeo Product development

Support the digital transformation of your department

Pilot R&D

Use powerful dashboards to track KPIs and optimize task allocation within your team. Make informed decisions and enhance department efficiency.

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Standardize notations for everyone

Unify the way your team assesses crops, environmental conditions, and diseases.


Inter-operate with other tools and systems

Drones, Satellites, Sensors, LIMSs, CRMs, and third-party software through API connection


For global organizations

Multiple languages, high security standards, multi-national teams, precise user-right management.

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Expand to other departments

One team can start with some features and add more over time, and you can onboard additional teams later.


Accelerate the onboarding of new coworkers

Knowledge management supports know-how transfer, and the user-friendly interface helps teams quickly adopt Bloomeo.


They recommend Bloomeo Product development


We appreciate the good listening, comprehending and problem-solving skills of Doriane's support team.
Every time we request an optimization of the configuration, they provide quality assistance, including guidance, testing and feedback exchanges.


Charles-Antoine Arnaud
IT Manager

Read more success stories

Bloomeo project-related questions

How can I track the progress of my teams' work?

Bloomeo lets you define the templates of your operations and they can be linked to the experimental set-up. Each operation has a start and end date and a person in charge.
Progress gets tracked using a Gantt view (for managers) and a Kanban view (for operators).
Specific dashboards enable managers to monitor team workload: quickly identifying the cause of a delay in operations, or testing networks too large for their operators.

How can I consolidate data from various trials from different providers?

The effective solution will not come from a single application, but may involve change management. We can help integrating your working methods and exchanges with your service providers and partners.
Doriane, with its Bloomeo solution, eases file imports and inter-connections with third-party databases (i.e. service providers or certification bodies).

Can I use my cell phone to make an observation on a demonstration field and view the other results for that variety?

The Mobile solution, available on Android and iOS, is highly intuitive. Every data point gets centralized immediately, including structured notations and qualitative comments. The manager gives rating rights on trials and demonstration fields to the users of his choice. Users can then easily make their own ratings. They can also see comments made on the same variety at other sites, and access a graphical summary of results for the entire development network.

How can I monitor whether evaluations are in line with the product's market segment objective?

A product design profile has to be defined for each market segment. The product design will define the characteristics (=variables) and the reference material for each characteristic (e.g. for sunflower tolerance to new races of broomrape vs. the reference variety).
Monitor in real time, after aggregating all the data collected, the positioning on each criteria. The information is summarized in an intuitive distance to market segment dashboard.

How can I monitor whether the testing network is representative of the target market segments?

For each segment, you can define a combination of agronomic zones (a grouping of geographical areas that can be disjointed, with similar topographical, climatic and agronomic characteristics).
Thanks to agronomic zone analysis dashboards, you can monitor the homogeneity of your portfolio's responses in these areas.
Mapping your trial network on your agronomic zones also enables you to measure the representativeness of your evaluation sites.

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Ask our team about your project

Clément B.

Business & Agronomy Engineer

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