Variety testing leader in France, Heliantis hosts their data in Doriane SaaS since 2018. "We save much time setting up our trials" Joris, Testing manager.
Heliantis Experimentation is THE variety testing expert in South of France. Partner of more than 65 seed companies, they advise and support their customers according to their testing needs, since 2019 with Doriane's software.
Years experience in crop testing
Acres(200 ha) in 42 testing stations
Agronomy technicians and engineers
Hosting all testing data in Doriane cloud software
Different species
Level 2 certified « High Environmental Value »
Deliver reliable and repeatable data, as soon as possible
Result delivery to their customers
Testing information to deliver reliable result
Save time
Preparing campaigns, taking notations, reporting
Doriane software cloud-hosted and maintained by Doriane’s team
Plant testing software
All features for testing all crops, report and share the results
No installation, no internal IT skills: all is handled by Doriane
Evolutive and scalable
Fast capacity to add new species and new protocols
Save much time and improve our reports
More accurate results, faster
Doriane software enhances the reports we deliver to customers
Our activities from campaign preparation to notation in the field or lab, and reporting
Easy & always ready
The software is always ready, up-to-date, and it’s pretty playful
We‘ve got to be 100% sure of our results. At the end of the season, we check huge amounts of data very quickly, and if some data looks wrong, we have all the statistical analysis package to identify the origin and report it to the customer.
Joris, South Area Manager
Doriane empowers researchers to take smarter decisions by improving data workflow and collaboration
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