We are working with amazing enterprises around the globe. Read their stories and see what Doriane can do for you.
Agri Obtentions is a French seed company specialized in hardy and productive varieties, suitable for organic and agro-ecology. Happy users of Doriane software since the 80's!
Agri Obtentions is a French seed company specialized in hardy and productive varieties, suitable for organic and agro-ecology. Happy users of Doriane software since the 80's!
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Seed Company
Plant Breeding
Field crops
Agrow Seeds uses Bloomeo since 2024 to manage Vegetable Product Development trials: centralize, track data, and support offline mobile data collection.
Agrow Seeds uses Bloomeo since 2024 to manage Vegetable Product Development trials: centralize, track data, and support offline mobile data collection.
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Product Development
World-leading tobacco company and pioneer of healthier nicotine products, they chose Doriane's software in 2018 for their breeding and processing R&D center
World-leading tobacco company and pioneer of healthier nicotine products, they chose Doriane's software in 2018 for their breeding and processing R&D center
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Agro Industry
Plant Breeding
Field crops
Axioma Biologicals adopted Bloomeo in 2025 to streamline biosolution trials, optimize data management, and accelerate the development of innovative biostimulants and microbial technologies.
Axioma Biologicals adopted Bloomeo in 2025 to streamline biosolution trials, optimize data management, and accelerate the development of innovative biostimulants and microbial technologies.
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Trees & Perennials
Field crops
Agro Input
Indonesian subs. of CP Group (a Thai conglomerat), the 30 breeders at PT Bisi rely on Doriane's software since 2021 for biotech field crops and vegetables.
Indonesian subs. of CP Group (a Thai conglomerat), the 30 breeders at PT Bisi rely on Doriane's software since 2021 for biotech field crops and vegetables.
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Seed Company
Plant Breeding
Field crops
The French Interprofessional Organization For Burgundy Wines adopted Bloomeo in 2025 to optimize rootstock trials, standardize protocols, collect data via mobile, and enhance decision-making.
The French Interprofessional Organization For Burgundy Wines adopted Bloomeo in 2025 to optimize rootstock trials, standardize protocols, collect data via mobile, and enhance decision-making.
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Trees & Perennials
Agro Industry
Data Collection
Agronomy Testing
Berries del Oeste uses Bloomeo since 2024 to centralize trial data enhance product development, and support agronomy teams in evaluating berry varieties across Spain and Morocco.
Berries del Oeste uses Bloomeo since 2024 to centralize trial data enhance product development, and support agronomy teams in evaluating berry varieties across Spain and Morocco.
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Seed Company
Product Development
Agronomy Testing
Biocentury Transgene leads the asian market for cotton, field crops, vegetables and horticulture seeds. They centralize their research on RnDExp since 2016.
Biocentury Transgene leads the asian market for cotton, field crops, vegetables and horticulture seeds. They centralize their research on RnDExp since 2016.
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Plant Breeding
"Doriane software meets the needs of our research teams. The software allows us to run all types of trial and secure the data since 2017" Sandrine, agronomist.
The CTIFL, Centre Technique Interprofessionnel des Fruits et Légumes, is the referent organisation for applied research in the French fruit & vegetable sector.
"Doriane software meets the needs of our research teams. The software allows us to run all types of trial and secure the data since 2017" Sandrine, agronomist.
The CTIFL, Centre Technique Interprofessionnel des Fruits et Légumes, is the referent organisation for applied research in the French fruit & vegetable sector.
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Technical Institute
Agronomy Testing
Trees & Perennials
A European Sugarbeet european cooperative based in France, the industrial group chose Doriane's software in 2010 for their agronomic research.
A European Sugarbeet european cooperative based in France, the industrial group chose Doriane's software in 2010 for their agronomic research.
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Agro Industry
Agronomy Testing
Field crops
The Biotechnology Center of the Chinese leading company Da Bei Nong. Since 2017 their laboratory uses RnDExp™ for transgenesis and Molecular markers.
The Biotechnology Center of the Chinese leading company Da Bei Nong. Since 2017 their laboratory uses RnDExp™ for transgenesis and Molecular markers.
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Plant Breeding
The first independant Spanish seed company. They've chosen Doriane's software in 2009 for their plant breeding, biotech, testing & product development.
The first independant Spanish seed company. They've chosen Doriane's software in 2009 for their plant breeding, biotech, testing & product development.
See the case study
Seed Company
Plant Breeding
The hungarian agricultural institute conducts variety, agrochemical and crop production research. Since 2020 they centralize all their work in RnDExp™.
The hungarian agricultural institute conducts variety, agrochemical and crop production research. Since 2020 they centralize all their work in RnDExp™.
See the case study
Technical Institute
Agronomy Testing
Field crops
Gautier Semences, established in 1952, is a French independant seed company, key player in the vegetable seed business. Besides breeding new varieties, they also produce and retail high quality vegetable seeds and seedlings for the professional market.
Gautier Semences, established in 1952, is a French independant seed company, key player in the vegetable seed business. Besides breeding new varieties, they also produce and retail high quality vegetable seeds and seedlings for the professional market.
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Seed Company
Plant Breeding
Product Development
Field crops
An Argentinan leader in genetic improvement of forage species for 30+ years, with research center in Uruguay
An Argentinan leader in genetic improvement of forage species for 30+ years, with research center in Uruguay
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Plant Breeding
RAGT and Grupo Guerra have created two large research centers, one in Paraná and the other in Goiás, to develop corn and wheat seeds.
RAGT and Grupo Guerra have created two large research centers, one in Paraná and the other in Goiás, to develop corn and wheat seeds.
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Plant Breeding
Variety testing leader in France, Heliantis hosts their data in Doriane SaaS since 2018. "We save much time setting up our trials" Joris, Testing manager.
Heliantis Experimentation is THE variety testing expert in South of France. Partner of more than 65 seed companies, they advise and support their customers according to their testing needs, since 2019 with Doriane's software.
Variety testing leader in France, Heliantis hosts their data in Doriane SaaS since 2018. "We save much time setting up our trials" Joris, Testing manager.
Heliantis Experimentation is THE variety testing expert in South of France. Partner of more than 65 seed companies, they advise and support their customers according to their testing needs, since 2019 with Doriane's software.
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Service Company
Agronomy Testing
Field crops
Polish seed company, subsidiary of Grupa IHAR smplemented Doriane's for their breeding programs on oil seed rape, triticale, wheat, oat and barley since 2018.
Polish seed company, subsidiary of Grupa IHAR smplemented Doriane's for their breeding programs on oil seed rape, triticale, wheat, oat and barley since 2018.
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Seed Company
Plant Breeding
Field crops
IGS is a Eurostars-funded European project led by Doriane, using data-driven methods to understand optimal conditions for biologicals' performance.
IGS is a Eurostars-funded European project led by Doriane, using data-driven methods to understand optimal conditions for biologicals' performance.
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Agro Input
Field crops
Trees & Perennials
Greatest agriculture and environment research organization in the world, INRAE relies on Doriane software for some of their research stations.
Greatest agriculture and environment research organization in the world, INRAE relies on Doriane software for some of their research stations.
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Product Development
The Catalonian research institute (in Spain) manages crop breeding, variety and agronomy testing on vegetables and perennialsith Doriane's software™ since 2016.
The Catalonian research institute (in Spain) manages crop breeding, variety and agronomy testing on vegetables and perennialsith Doriane's software™ since 2016.
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Technical Institute
Agronomy Testing
Field crops
Trees & Perennials
Subsidiary of DBN Group, JSNH researchers are using RnDExp™ since 2016 for breeding, agro-research and development of rice, corn, cotton and canola varieties.
Subsidiary of DBN Group, JSNH researchers are using RnDExp™ since 2016 for breeding, agro-research and development of rice, corn, cotton and canola varieties.
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Seed Company
Plant Breeding
Field crops
JKI, the German national agricultural institute, chooses Doriane in 2024 to standardize breeding in field crops, Potato and Lupine, and foster cooperation with private seed companies.
JKI, the German national agricultural institute, chooses Doriane in 2024 to standardize breeding in field crops, Potato and Lupine, and foster cooperation with private seed companies.
See the case study
Field crops
Plant Breeding
Technical Institute
As a Seed distributot in Central america, Kauffman Seeds has selected Bloomeo Product Development to better structure their variety screening activity in Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado (USA).
As a Seed distributot in Central america, Kauffman Seeds has selected Bloomeo Product Development to better structure their variety screening activity in Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado (USA).
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Product Development
Field crops
Seed Company
Leading innovation on biostimulants based on the Kelp Algae, Kelp Blue has been 2 Bloomeo since 2023 to centralize and analyze their agronomy field testing.
Leading innovation on biostimulants based on the Kelp Algae, Kelp Blue has been 2 Bloomeo since 2023 to centralize and analyze their agronomy field testing.
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KGS, major Polish seed company, adopted Bloomeo in 2025 for variety testing of field crops, Potato and Beetroot, to streamline data collection and collaborate with partners across multiple locations.
KGS, major Polish seed company, adopted Bloomeo in 2025 for variety testing of field crops, Potato and Beetroot, to streamline data collection and collaborate with partners across multiple locations.
See the case study
Seed Company
Product Development
Field crops
Data Collection
Global leader in Vegetable seeds, Limagrain standardizes and streamlines its Product Development operations with Bloomeo.
Global leader in Vegetable seeds, Limagrain standardizes and streamlines its Product Development operations with Bloomeo.
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Product Development
Major Turkish seed company, their breeders use Doriane software since 2018 to create and develop new corn, cotton and sunflower varieties and hybrids.
MAY Seed has been involved in the research, production and marketing of vegetable, field, industrial and forage crop seeds since 1978 under the MAY brand name for both domestic and international markets. Since its formation in 1997, the Research and Development team has focused on developing new varieties of 3 major crops: Sunflower, Corn, Cotton and also conducts trials for snap beans, processing tomato and Sweet Corn.
Major Turkish seed company, their breeders use Doriane software since 2018 to create and develop new corn, cotton and sunflower varieties and hybrids.
MAY Seed has been involved in the research, production and marketing of vegetable, field, industrial and forage crop seeds since 1978 under the MAY brand name for both domestic and international markets. Since its formation in 1997, the Research and Development team has focused on developing new varieties of 3 major crops: Sunflower, Corn, Cotton and also conducts trials for snap beans, processing tomato and Sweet Corn.
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Seed Company
Plant Breeding
Field crops
Product Development
French seed company in Berry fruits, asparagus, pioneer of micropropagation and world leader in date palm tree vitro-plants. Doriane software users since 2019.
The Marionnet family has been in plant breeding and production for over a century. Starting with Asparagus in 1891, then Strawberries in the 1920s, the company distinguished itself in 1972 by creating the first private 𝘪𝘯 𝘷𝘪𝘵𝘳𝘰 laboratory in France. 2018 was a turning point with new shareholders, the separation of R&D activities under the name "Marionnet Label", and the ambition to become a major international player in Berries: Strawberry, Raspberry, Blackberry and Blueberry.
French seed company in Berry fruits, asparagus, pioneer of micropropagation and world leader in date palm tree vitro-plants. Doriane software users since 2019.
The Marionnet family has been in plant breeding and production for over a century. Starting with Asparagus in 1891, then Strawberries in the 1920s, the company distinguished itself in 1972 by creating the first private 𝘪𝘯 𝘷𝘪𝘵𝘳𝘰 laboratory in France. 2018 was a turning point with new shareholders, the separation of R&D activities under the name "Marionnet Label", and the ambition to become a major international player in Berries: Strawberry, Raspberry, Blackberry and Blueberry.
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Seed Company
Plant Breeding
Trees & Perennials
Centenary family business, Mercier has conquered the world with its vine stocks, vineyard services and biotech innovations. Traceability and reporting in real time mean much for their success. In 2021, they have adopted Doriane software to standardize their agronomy testing data and centralize all information for their new plant breeding activity.
Centenary family business, Mercier has conquered the world with its vine stocks, vineyard services and biotech innovations. Traceability and reporting in real time mean much for their success. In 2021, they have adopted Doriane software to standardize their agronomy testing data and centralize all information for their new plant breeding activity.
See the case study
Plant Breeding
Product Development
Trees & Perennials
Biotech laboratory
Agronomy Testing
World leader in Cyclamen flowers, the family seed company has centralized its variety trials and processes of creation on Doriane software since 2008.
World-famous for their Cyclamen varieties, Morel has led in this flower market since 2005. Thanks to active research and transmission of its genetic heritage and expertise, Morel has developed both standard F1 hybrids and remarkable innovations. They began digitizing their breeding data with Doriane in 2000.
World leader in Cyclamen flowers, the family seed company has centralized its variety trials and processes of creation on Doriane software since 2008.
World-famous for their Cyclamen varieties, Morel has led in this flower market since 2005. Thanks to active research and transmission of its genetic heritage and expertise, Morel has developed both standard F1 hybrids and remarkable innovations. They began digitizing their breeding data with Doriane in 2000.
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Seed Company
Plant Breeding
Biostadt research develops innovative hybrids of Pearl millet, Rice and Corn, and varieties of Castor, Mustard and Cumin with Doriane software since 2020.
Biostadt research develops innovative hybrids of Pearl millet, Rice and Corn, and varieties of Castor, Mustard and Cumin with Doriane software since 2020.
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Plant Breeding
Peman Semillas, in Argentina, uses Bloomeo since 2024 to centralize trials for forage and field crops, integrating field data and third-party results to improve variety evaluation.
Peman Semillas, in Argentina, uses Bloomeo since 2024 to centralize trials for forage and field crops, integrating field data and third-party results to improve variety evaluation.
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Product Development
Data Collection
Seed Company
"We have chosen Doriane software in 2008 to stay at the state of art in breeding and testing, collecting, controlling and reporting" Thierry Bouhet, IT Manager.
Leading European seed company belonging to a major agricultural cooperative group, RAGT is involved in Corn, Cereals, Rapeseed, fodder, Soybean and Sunflower breeding.
"We have chosen Doriane software in 2008 to stay at the state of art in breeding and testing, collecting, controlling and reporting" Thierry Bouhet, IT Manager.
Leading European seed company belonging to a major agricultural cooperative group, RAGT is involved in Corn, Cereals, Rapeseed, fodder, Soybean and Sunflower breeding.
See the case study
Seed Company
Plant Breeding
Field crops
Agronomy Testing
Since 2019, the Romanian subsidiary of Saaten Union is fully equipped with RnDExp™. They conduct breeding and testing on major field crops for Eastern Europe.
Since 2019, the Romanian subsidiary of Saaten Union is fully equipped with RnDExp™. They conduct breeding and testing on major field crops for Eastern Europe.
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Seed Company
Plant Breeding
Field crops
The Solana Group has a tradition of around 120 years in potato breeding and farming.
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Seed Company
Plant Breeding
The 1st Soybean research center in Brazil, SeedCorp approaches 80% of the soybean market in South America.
The 1st Soybean research center in Brazil, SeedCorp approaches 80% of the soybean market in South America.
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Plant Breeding
Independent R&D company conducting agricultural trials BPE, GLP and processing registration of biostimulants.
Independent R&D company conducting agricultural trials BPE, GLP and processing registration of biostimulants.
See the case study
Agronomy Testing
Sollio Agriculture, the Agri-business Division of Sollio Cooperative Group, is a Canadian leader in the agriculture industry. The R&D program at the crop production research farm develops new varieties and conducts testing programs to provide the best seeds and advice to their affiliate farmers.
Sollio Agriculture, the Agri-business Division of Sollio Cooperative Group, is a Canadian leader in the agriculture industry. The R&D program at the crop production research farm develops new varieties and conducts testing programs to provide the best seeds and advice to their affiliate farmers.
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Plant Breeding
Agronomy Testing
Field crops
Symbiagro conducts applied research on biosolutions, in symbiotic association. Their teams are using Bloomeo to collect, centralize and analyze their data.
Symbiagro conducts applied research on biosolutions, in symbiotic association. Their teams are using Bloomeo to collect, centralize and analyze their data.
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Brazilian leader in innovative genetic solutions, notably in Soybean and Cotton. Since 2021 their R&D activities are centralized in Doriane software.
Brazilian leader in innovative genetic solutions, notably in Soybean and Cotton. Since 2021 their R&D activities are centralized in Doriane software.
See the case study
Seed Company
Plant Breeding
Field crops
"Our technical institute integrates agronomy R&D with RnDExp™ since 2014, allowing time and reliability gains for 35 users" Florent Coquelet, IT Manager.
"Our technical institute integrates agronomy R&D with RnDExp™ since 2014, allowing time and reliability gains for 35 users" Florent Coquelet, IT Manager.
See the case study
Technical Institute
Agronomy Testing
Field crops
Doriane empowers innovators to make smarter decisions by improving data workflow and collaboration
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